Saturday, October 27, 2007

Therapeutic Metaphor: Turkey Pan

Here's a graphic image I use from time to time when a person is experiencing a lot of emotional turmoil from a past event despite having worked hard to come to overcome its legacy.

Have you ever seen a pan used to cook a turkey after the bird is removed? There is a lot of baked-on 'crud' at the bottom of the pan. After soaking, sudsing and lots of elbow grease the water in the pan is going to look very unappetizing. When you pour the water out you will discover even more layers of baked-on residue. Do you throw out the pan or quit cleaning it? No, you soak it again and then scrub some more, even though you are likely to find that the water is still nasty-looking as gunk continues to rise from the bottom! A turkey pan needs several cycles of soaking and scrubbing before the water is going to stay clean.

The point is that a lot of emotional trauma and turmoil doesn't come off easily. But the good news is that all that mess repeatedly rising up from the bottom is a sure sign that you are heading in the right direction. Keep scrubbing.
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