Saturday, February 4, 2012

Is It Really Just?

“Just” has the potential to be a dangerous word.

“Just” is the sound of a camel getting his nose into the tent: his body will soon follow.  “I’m just going to have one drink”.  "It's just a little lie." "I just couldn't help myself."

“Just” is a Trojan horse bearing excuses.  “I was just…..”  are three little words that can defend against almost any charge or accusation. In adult relationships, when someone explains their relationship with another person by saying "we're just good friends", chances are they're more than that.
"Just" has its place, but not as much as it wants.  It is a word that can make anything relative, and some things don't work that way.  A classic example is someone who is “just a little pregnant”.

"Just" shares a root with "justification".  It can be used to justify all kinds of shenanigans. Some people utter it like a magical incantation to minimize the significance of almost any event or action. 

"Just" can distort reality to a person's wishes. “I’ll just be five more minutes on the computer” often turns out to be half an hour.  It keeps people from having to say exactly what they mean.

"Just" is not always just.

Just do it?  Sometimes, but not always.

Bill Herring, LCSW, CSAT is a well seasoned Atlanta-based counselor and psychotherapist who helps individuals and couples live fuller, happier and more meaningful lives.  While working with a wide range of adult clients, Mr. Herring is a nationally recognized specialist on helping good people maintain consistent, safe and ethical sexual boundaries.  He is available for in-person and online consultation and counseling, and may be easily reached by phone or email .

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