Saturday, January 12, 2008

"Three Tools To Guide Your Course"

The posting I just published (see next entry) about the many people I consider to be pioneers traveling uncharted emotional and relational terrain reminded me of a poem I wrote several years back which I've decided to post here.
Three Tools To Guide Your Course

The way ahead stretches further than you can see, so you
need to be clear about a few facts from the very start, OK?
The path is steep and treacherous, the obstacles astounding,
and few have the time, ability or desire to help you succeed.
Since you're probably well past the point for false assurances
here are three tools to guide your course along this journey:

The first is to follow the advice of those who are ahead of you.
They have lots of helpful little tips to ease you along your way.
The second tool is to assist another person walking behind you.
Helping someone move forward protects you from losing ground.
Third, keep in close contact with others on similar journeys.
Share your experiences regularly, both your triumphs and defeats.

Use these tools regularly, even if your heart’s not always in it.
What can you can expect to receive in return for such an effort?
Remember we’re talking like real adults so little is guaranteed, but
you’ll likely find your wounds will become sources of deep wisdom,
your personal power, intuition and emotional balance pass anything
you’ve ever known, and you’ll become the person you’ve been seeking.

If you like this post (and I hope you do) please visit my primary professional website for related articles on emotional growth and development, individual and couples counseling, successful living tips, counseling and therapy trends and observations, sex addiction treatment and many other interesting and useful topics.

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