Monday, December 3, 2007

Reiki: "Handing" It To You

I just received initial training this weekend in the Reiki method of healing touch. Although I don't anticipate using it directly in my clinical practice, I am impressed by its theory and techniques for transmitting healing energy.

Reiki uses the hands to transmit the universal life force ("rei" means unseen or spiritual and "ki" means energy or life force) to the self or another person in order to promote healing across the physical, emotional or spiritual levels of life. It was originally developed in Japan in the early 20th century by Mikao Usui. Reiki utilizes and promotes a high level of spiritual intuition and intention in both the practitioner and recipient and is said to be incapable of causing harm.

Reiki "treatments" are done fully dressed and although the original technique involves physical touch on various parts of the body it can also be used without physical contact. It is essentially an active meditative practice, which on the surface seems like a paradox. Reiki advocates the daily practice of five principles which are simple and valuable in their own right. The original principles as set forth by the founder are:
Do not be angry
Do not be worried
Be grateful
Work hard (on improving yourself)
Be kind to others.
This is a marvelous distillation of wisdom which is immediately useful to anyone.

Reiki is in essence a gentle technique to encourage healing on the self and others which can be learned by anybody, and I encourage anyone interested to receive instruction in its use. The people who who "attuned" and trained me are Mayanne Horne, Ph.D. and Carole Sfekas, Healing Arts Spiritual Center in Dacula. It was a bit of a drive, but their fee was very reasonable and they are both very warm and welcoming individuals who I recommend highly.

As I said, I doubt I will be directly providing Reiki treatments in my clinical practice but I am grateful to have learned another healing art to help me and others through this world of rich experience.

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